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The last thing you want to deal with is a plumbing problem during the warm summer months. The summer period can bring along issues big and small for your home. You’re certain to rely on your water a great deal and plumbing issues can arise during this period due to many causes.
We have listed below some of the common plumbing issues you might experience and how you can handle them:

The more people in your home during the summer period means more stress on your plumbing system

The summer period tends to attract more people at home. This is the period when the kids are out of school and they spend more time at home. Many parents love this period because it’s an opportunity to spend more time with their kids. But the downside is that kids don’t follow the best practices when it comes to plumbing maintenance. So, some of the common plumbing issues you will need to look out for during this periods are clogged drains, garbage disposal, and many others. Doing this can help you keep small problems from turning into major issues.

Look out for outdoor plumbing fixtures that might develop rust, cracks, and leaks during the hot months

Take your time and look out for cracks and leaks, your gutters for back-ups, and sprinklers around your outdoor plumbing fixtures. Focus more on your sprinklers especially if you water your lawn or have kids at home. Also, check for cracks as they can cause a lot of waste if not attended to and might increase your water bill later on.

Gas or sewer line disturbances due to summer planting

The best time of the year for gardening is June, July, and August. So, you have to pay attention to where you’re planting so you don’t damage any plumbing systems. Gas and sewer lines are commonly lidded in the yard, so it’s advisable that you know where they are before you dig them up with a shovel.

We hope you enjoy your summer and avoid plumbing issues throughout the season.