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What does a gas fitter do?

Gasfitters install, inspect, repair and maintain gas lines and gas equipment such as meters, regulators, heating units and appliances in residential, commercial and industrial establishments. They are employed by gas utility companies and gas servicing companies.

Reasons to hire a gas fitter

Almost every home uses gas in some way. Most commonly used for cooking or heating your home, having a gas line connected is essential for your family’s comfort. However, gas is highly flammable and you do not want it leaking in or around the house. As there are many ways gas lines can cause harm, you’ll need an experienced professional to make sure that the gas lines connected to your home are as safe as possible. Gas fitters work on anything related to gas lines. Working with gas lines is a specialist job, so if your home uses gas for any purpose whatsoever, have a professional gas fitter do the job for you.

Things to know about gas fitters and reasons to hire them

Gas fitters perform a variety of jobs, and working with gas lines and appliances that use gas is their specialty. There are a number of things to know about what it is exactly that gas fitters do, and why their help is crucial in making your home a safer space for your family.

  • 1. You need a professional license in order to be able to work with gas lines.
  • 2. Gas fitters are trained to understand house and building plans.
  • 3. Gas fitters connect your home to gas lines.
  • 4. A gas fitter is in charge of safely connecting your equipment to the gas line, and making sure that it works.
  • 5. Gas fitters also do repair work for gas line-related appliances and equipment.
  • 6. A gas fitter is in charge of the maintenance of gas lines.
  • 7. Gas fitters are in charge of troubleshooting gas line problems.
  • 8. Gas fitters put safety systems in place for detecting gas leaks.
  • 9. Gas fitters are in charge of fixing up flues.
  • 10. Gas fitters are responsible for making sure that you know the safety systems of your gas lines.