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Gas Hot Water Installation

Don’t have a hot water system? Are you taking your chances with the Melbourne weather? It’s best not to do that. A gas hot water installation can be quite beneficial for you and your home. Whether it is a storage or instant hot water system, we can install any gas hot water system. It is the best way to save energy and save money as well. You’ll be surprised at how low your bills will be. Furthermore, most suburbs already have an existing main gas supply which makes it easier to install any gas appliance. Just make sure you get the work done by a licensed gas fitter and plumber. It’s not only dangerous to get gas work done by an unlicensed person but it’s also illegal. So, avoid being a criminal in the eyes of the law and give our team of experts a call today!

Gas Hot Water Repairs & Service

From leaks to corroded storage tanks, we will repair it all. Gas hot water systems can start to deteriorate over time but with a little bit of repair work, everything can be fixed. Storage tanks for gas water heaters are come indifferent materials, however, with time they can get damaged. The best solution to this problem is to get the tank replaced. Storage tank replacements don’t take too much time and your system can be up and running in no time. Another common problem with any gas appliance is leaks. Leaks are the reason why it is always better to call a licensed professional to handle all your gas appliances. Gas is a dangerous substance and being safe in the face of danger, such as a gas leak, is always better. A gas leak can arise within the gas water heater system or in the main gas pipeline. However, with our outstanding heating and cooling services, you can rest assured that your systems are in the right hands.

gas hot water

Looking for solar hot water installation in Melbourne? Our team of experienced plumbers can help you find the right system for your home or business. We offer a wide range of solar hot water systems, from small residential units to large commercial systems. We also offer solar hot water maintenance and repair services. Call us today for a free quote!

Advantages Of A Gas Hot Water System

Gas hot water systems are comparatively affordable to electric or solar hot water systems. Furthermore, they last longer and their greenhouse gas emission is significantly low compared to other systems. A gas hot water installation will ensure that your bills remain low, your greenhouse gas emissions are reduced and your showers remain hot, always. Saving money while enjoying the comforts of a nice, hot shower can be achieved with gas water heaters. There are two different types of gas water heaters available in the market.


gas hot water installation

Instantaneous gas water heaters provide instant hot water. They do not have a storage tank which makes them quite easy to handle. This system is quite small in size and can easily fit into a small bathroom which is why most people prefer this system. Additionally, instantaneous gas water heaters are longer lasting than their storage counterparts. So, if you are looking for a constant flow of hot water from your showers and don’t want a bulky system, this is your best option.

Gas storage hot water systems are extremely energy efficient. Hence, the production of greenhouse gas emissions is very low as wee. These systems can heat up a good amount of water in a matter of an hour. Compared to an electric system their recovery rate, i.e. the time they take to reheat a tank of water, is much lesser. Gas storage water heaters are perfect for a small family. It can store up to a maximum of 300 litres.

Contact The Experts At 24 Hour Melbourne Plumbers

24 Hour Melbourne Plumbers provides some of the finest plumbers in Melbourne to you. We are a team of highly skilled and qualified professionals. The team follows a strict code of conduct and strives to provide quality and efficient services to all customers. In addition to this we make sure that our vans are fully equipped with all the required tools and spare parts. This way we are always ready for any last minute mishaps. Call us today for a gas hot water installation.

gas hot water installation Melbourne